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There’s Poison in the Spring — A Memoir

  This memoir is a work of nonfiction. Although creative language is used throughout, special attention has been given to details and facts....

Tenebrous Panacea

Stay inside

Don't come out

They'll say when

it's safe to emerge


A greater good

(They say)

Mine too

(I suppose)


It still hurts

Keeps me awake

Defiantly grasping fleeting comfort

beyond the void of solitude


The cure is Separation?


Deprived of touch

I long

For warm embrace

Crave its nourishment

to appease the hollow sadness

                Of Social Deprivation


There must be another cure!


Isolation eats dignity


Nibble after nibble

Bit by bit

Worthiness dissolves

until even the little finches

flitting outside my window

Are hard pressed to make me smile


A thought –

A curious kitten to tease

with a feather on a string


A thought –

A waggish pup

A friend devoid of judgment




I am socially distant

Far removed from vulnerable masses


A remedy

for my inexpiable imperfections

Tolling the never-ending penance


Fear is the malady that prevents Healing.

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